Take a look inside the gear room of
Media.Monks' 500 pieces of equipment are managed by Ronnie. He's keeping a tidy equipment room and knows where every item is at all times. He has 2 main pieces of advice for people managing gear: first, make sure you give equipment logical places. Is a camera always used with the same lens? Keep them close by and avoid running around! Second, well... Watch this episode of My Room or Yours to discover!

How is Cheqroom helping media production studios manage their equipment?
Glad you asked.

Keep a clear overview.
When using lenses, cameras, lights, and memory cards, you want to know where they are at all times. Losing one of those can jeopardize shoots and seriously delay projects. Tracking them will give you peace of mind and will help you plan future projects better.

No double bookings
Great. Someone else took off with your gear. Sounds familiar? Eliminate double-bookings with Cheqroom’s reservation process.

Protect your projects
Missing or damaged gear can severely impact your projects. Cheqroom not only protects your gear, but also the content you shoot with it.

Cheqroom is scalable, it’s intuitive and it has a lot of great automated features. We bought our license and haven’t looked back since.
Stay in control and never lose your assets
Curious about what it would look like in your studio? Schedule a demo with our equipment specialists and we'll walk you through the ideal setup for you.