The comprehensive guide to equipment management in academics

Everything you should know as an equipment manager in academics

Hi, welcome to the page that will learn you how to make learning easier. Or it should at least give you some more comfort in the learning environment.

If you are interested in managing equipment in academics, this page is designed specifically for you. Whether you already are organizing everything very well or you are reading this in between unstructured gear at the moment. This page has you covered anyways.

We will discuss the basics of equipment management, how to keep your students accountable and how to pass another year as a cum laude equipment manager!

Have a look and take your pick!

This one’s for equipment management rookies

AV workplace

1. Equipment management for universities and schools

School is a great opportunity for young makers to make things that they would never manage without the schools equipment. So as a school it is much needed to provide this gear but also to make sure that you will get it back.

In order to do this, you should trust your students but also try to keep an overview for yourself to double-check on anything. We provide a few tips to guarantee that everything will go to plan.

Video: Top 10 gear cage tips

2. How to organize your equipment room top 10 tips

If your camera gear storage needs some lift or you are just building one, this video is for you. We'll share the top gear cage tips from equipment managers around the world.

Thumbnail 10tips Equipment Managers

3. People's favorite gear

It's always a thrill to work with the latest gear and to see how things are evolving at warp speed towards the unthinkable. With the gear world constantly moving, we went ahead to provide an overview of the latest gear.

Favorite Gear youtube

How to keep students accountable for your gear

AV gear room

Students should get the chance to work with anything which you have to offer in your equipment room. But to do so, they need to take their responsibility. It's hard to balance the expectations towards your students and the precautions that you should take to lower your own risks of lost or damaged gear. A view at the approach of the City University of New York and San Bernardino could help you to get along.

AV Check Out Agreement

1. The equipment sign-out sheet

The first step into structured equipment management is starting to track where your equipment is and who's currently using it.

2. College gear cage tour: San Bernardino Valley College

What to see a gear cage tour of a film school? Kevin Lyons is Adjunct Professor at San Bernardino Valley College and takes us around the Media Center. With this program, students can dive into the world of media and film with access to high-quality production equipment. Kevin gives us a tour around the Media Lab and demonstrates how the gear cage is organized.

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How to get an A++ on equipment management

If you’re here, it means equipment management has no secrets for you anymore. Or does it? We gathered our three most-read pieces that people have been raving about. One helps you calculate the ROI (because you’re in to make the cool stuff, but it’s also still business, right?). We give you free asset labels. We’re generous like that. And we talk to Grammercy Park Studios.

1. Testimonial: City University of New York

There's no better way to know whether something is turning out well than to go hear it yourself. We went out and took an honest testimonial at the CUNY. Before Cheqroom there was nothing but a quirky offline system that did not work out in their environment. Working with a remote system that could be used by anyone from anywhere was everything they could wish for.

"Being able to just log into Cheqroom on their phone or laptop at any time to make a reservation has been a big improvement for our staff members."

Read all about it here.

2. How to use Cheqroom for schools

Now that you have heart all about their experiences with Cheqroom, it could be interesting to hear how they actually really apply our software and how it saves them loads of time.

1min demo schools thumbnail
Asset Tag Campaign ATF

3. Guide for asset labels

Request a free label starter pack that you can stick and hang on your gear so that you can instantly identify, check in or check out equipment anywhere with a quick scan of the QR tag.

Want to try us out? Book a demo!

Discover Cheqroom

The best-in-class software that makes it easier to get the right gear into the right hands