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CUNY York College

The York College at CUNY transitioned to hassle-free online equipment bookings with Cheqroom

Being able to just log into Cheqroom on their phone or laptop at any time to make a reservation has been a big improvement for our staff members.
Brian Jailall Media Technology Supervisor

York College is a public college located in Queens, New York and is part of the City University of New York (CUNY).

Brian Jailall is the media technology supervisor of the Center for Teaching, Learning and Educational Technologies at York College. Brian and his team use CHEQROOM to manage equipment for their Communication Technology classes and equipment loans for events on campus.

CUNY inside

Before Cheqroom: a quirky offline system

“When looking for inventory software, I wanted to find a system that was easily customizable to suit the specific needs of the department. Great online features available to end-users were also essential. The previous system that we had was poor for online users and it had a lot of quirks that didn’t go well with our inventory system.”

Intuitive app, cloud-based, and great pricing

“Cheqroom was the best partner for us because it fulfills all our needs and has competitive pricing. The mobile app is definitely an added bonus: it’s very intuitive and fun to use.

With Cheqroom our users are now able to log on, and pick the equipment that they want whenever they like. A lot of our faculty members and staff depend on it.”

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“The learning curve for Cheqroom wasn’t steep at all for me and my team. For our end-users, there were a few small bumps in the road, because they had to adapt to a whole new system, but overall everyone got on board the self-service mode pretty quickly.”

Flexible, editable reservations

“One of the problems we had in the past was editing recurring reservations. Sometimes a faculty member would start using a certain type of equipment and then change their mind along the way. We then had to delete all the reservations manually because we made an entire semester of reservations for them.”

Cuny testimonial
In Cheqroom we can just edit the existing reservation in a few clicks.

Biggest return: user satisfaction

“The biggest return for us would be the satisfaction of our users. The solution we used before Cheqroom had limited online features, resulting in many unsatisfied users.”

“Professors couldn’t make their own bookings, so whenever they needed equipment for a class, they’d have to drop by or call us to make a reservation. Being able to just log into Cheqroom on their phone or laptop at any time to make a reservation has been a big improvement.”

In his job as a technology supervisor, the mobile app has saved Brian a lot of time: “It allows me to easily move from one space to the other while still using the app instead of having to be stationed at a computer like I used to with the old software.”