
How to organize gear maintenance and repair

Prevent problems before they happen – no crystal ball required.

AV equipment ain’t cheap. Add the costs of avoidable repairs and lost projects, and you have a recipe for frustration, budget issues, and even reputational damage.

Making your stuff last and squeezing every drop of value out of it means knowing what you have, its condition, and how to organize it to keep it all in tip-top shape, 24/7.

Discover our 3 principles of preventative repair and maintenance.

1. The policy

Create a clear framework for maintenance and repair:

  • Write a policy covering a single element of the maintenance cycle, from purchasing new gear to daily/weekly check-ups and scheduled downtime.
  • Create a detailed checklist for every colleague to follow when maintaining each piece of equipment.
  • Have too much – or delicate and/or expensive – gear? Consider hiring a specialized maintenance and repair subcontractor.

2. The place

Set yourself up for maintenance success:

  • An organized and tidy equipment room minimizes the chance of knocks and accidental breakage. Even better: lock up pricey/delicate gear.→ Explore expert tips and tricks on setting up your equipment room.
  • Set up a dedicated space for cleaning and maintenance and assign cleaning responsibilities.
  • Invest in high-quality, professional cases for kits of equipment that travel together to avoid damage.
  • Make sure your equipment room is cool (20 C or below), dry (30-40% humidity), dark and stable (no extreme conditions or strong magnetic fields).

3. The plan

Prior planning prevents poor performance:

  • Schedule regular maintenance/downtime when equipment is least needed (weekend, holidays, evening).
  • Communicate maintenance/downtime schedules to users and offer alternatives in case gear is unavailable.
  • Don’t forget to include periodic upgrades/updates for software and firmware in your plan.

Pro tip: An asset management tool like Cheqroom makes it easy to set up, follow up, and track repair and maintenance cycles. With automatic alerts, easy flagging of damaged equipment and detailed item histories, running a tight ship is a piece of cake – and everybody likes cake.

If you want to read the complete AV Q&A series, click here!

Written by Hana Belbecir Jul 20, 2021

Meet Hana Belbecir, our dynamic content marketer. She infuses creativity and strategic vision into the core of our brand. Hana, passionate about storytelling and has a keen eye for market trends, is devoted to creating a unified brand identity for Cheqroom. Her favorite part? Working & brainstorming with different creatives.