Gear cage

What is a Gear Cage?

The gear cage is a term often used in the AV industry. Below are some examples of gear cages, along with some best practices for organizing them.

What is a gear cage?

A gear cage is an informal term for an equipment storage room. A gear storage room is a designated space or room where gear and equipment used for a specific purpose are kept. This can include equipment such as tools, machinery, and other materials that are needed to perform a particular task or activity. It can be a warehouse, a closet, or a room where all the equipment is organized and safely stored. In most cases, an equipment manager is appointed to follow up on equipment bookings & check-outs.

The gear storage room is used to keep the gear and equipment in good working condition and to ensure that it is readily available when needed. It is typically designed to be well-ventilated and maintained at a suitable temperature to prevent moisture and mold from damaging the expensive gear. Depending on the size and type of equipment, the gear storage room may be equipped with racks, shelving, or other storage systems to keep everything organized and easy to find.

It is also essential to keep track of the gear and equipment in storage, as well as the inventory, to ensure that everything is accounted for and in good condition. This can be done through regular inspections, maintenance records, and inventory management systems.

The term gear cage is often used in the AV industry, where many people come to check out and return equipment. Employees make gear reservations and check out equipment from the gear cage for specific projects, like a shoot or an event, and return the gear to the gear cage when the project is finished.

What does a gear cage look like?

Gear cages come in lots of shapes and sizes. There are examples where the gear cage is just a small closet with a few shelves. However, a gear cage could also be a hangar or a big room with racks. Size doesn’t matter - it’s how you optimize the space. Usually, the best gear cages are very well organized, so people can find the gear they’re looking for in no time. There are a few ways to help people navigate through tons of equipment. Shelf labels, kits combining multiple pieces of equipment that belong together, and having an equipment inventory (list) are critical to a good gear cage.

How can Cheqroom help with organizing my gear?

Maintaining a tidy equipment room is one thing, but when the company grows, so will the asset inventory. Keeping track of all that equipment, the equipment check-outs, the equipment maintenance - that's a tough job if you're doing it manually. Cheqroom can help you with that, by automating many parts of the equipment management process.

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Always have a clear overview of what’s going on

Know what equipment you have. No more scribbled notes, hasty emails, or double bookings. Organize all your gear and find the right equipment and its information in no time.

Feature - tracking

Track your assets' locations

Always know where your assets are, who is using them and when they are due back. Keep all your asset information and attachments (receipts, warranty) in one place.

Feature - user roles

Give access to the gear cage

Grant system access to users (use SSO for maximum security) to book and check-out equipment from the gear cage and let them sign a digital agreement at pickup. Save time by automating the process, and they’ll be accountable for the assets they use.

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Equipment usage reports

Understand the performance and usage of your assets with reports. Generate custom or predefined reports to stay on top of past and current equipment activity.

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