Customer Story TED ATF

TED uses Cheqroom to manage video gear

Gear type Audio & visual equipment
Industry Media Production
Gear Type Audio & visual equipment
Location New York City
Inventory size 400+
Favorite feature
Customer since 2018

ChiHong Yim is in charge for checking in and checking out the equipment, and maintenance and repair of gear at TED. In their studio, they mostly work on testimonial interviews and director camera footage to promote TED Talks

Users don't need ChiHong Yim to book equipment. They go online, find the gear they need, book it for the right time and do a self check out. "It's really easy to manage the gear and whereabouts of it."

Cheqroom has improvement my life as an equipment manager. I don't need to go around and find out where the gear is anymore.
ChiHong Yim Senior Video Engineer